
All the years I lived in London I do not ever recall it raining like it rained on us today!! ...dearie me!

We managed to amuse ourselves in the depths of Camden, purchased a couple of umbrellas and ducked through all the puddles. ...the ankle length linen skirt may not have been my best ever fashion choice!

As the rain reached monsoon proportions we found a seat in this cafe just on the canal and sniggered unkindly at all the folks trying too hard with their wheat free, cow free, meat free, flavour free, equal opportunity beverages and dusty looking grainy salad lunches.

I had a black coffee, and Eve had a milkshake, made with organic mint chocchip icecream and milk "from a cow"....the waiter looked a little taken aback at her stating of the bleeding obvious reply to his "what sort of milk?"

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