The Master Baker
I think I'm experiencing a bit of a blip crisis at the moment. No time to engage on the social side and barely any time for photography. I've long believed that the key factor in being able to take a good photograph is the simple desire to do so. If you are driven by that desire then you will create and find photographic opportunities. That desire has deserted me this last few days, pretty much for the very first time in over two years. These long days at the computer have really worn me down.
There are friends right now who are spending long days in the mountains of the Dolomites and the Pyrenees, taking part in challenge events, one of which (The Cent Cols Challenge) I was doing myself this time three years ago. I'm feeling this really primal need to be breathing in that rarefied mountain air at the moment. I'm possibly suffering withdrawal symptoms.
I introduce you here to Jez, one half of the team at Creative Breads where I get my lunchtime sandwich every workday. He hasn't proved easy to photograph on the few occasions I've tried. He is one of those people with an incredibly expressive face which is always in motion. Jez follows me here so I hope you're happy with this mate. It's a pretty impossible task to capture your colourful personality in a single frame. I might have to come back and blip you again - especially if I continue to be as uninspired and as short of time as I have been again today.
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