
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Hello there!

A quiet day. At the day job all day. Went to a long but interesting meeting in place of a colleague. Didn't get a project finished but nearly there. A quiet evening in catching up on the first series of Luther.

When I came out of the meeting it was 1:30 pm and at my desk were emails and a colleague asking me to check her work. I felt an obligation to just sit at my desk and carry on without a proper break. After all, that's what we're meant to do, right? Sit at our desks, eat tasteless sandwiches and stare at computer screens like zombies, right? That's what all those unions fought for, right?

So I went out for a stroll and some fresh air. It's taken a long time but I've learned through massage training and Buddhism that when I take care of myself first, I'm better able to help others. It's like those demonstrations on airplanes of emergency landing procedures - they say to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others because if you don't, you may not be there to help others...

So I went out for a stroll and some fresh air and shared a bench with the ever-cheery Sandy Irvine Robertson. Whoever thought to commemorate this fine fellow with a fantastic, life size statue and bench was a genius. Sandy has brightened many a dreich day and I think his gentle presence gives a little gift of peace to all who visit. Thank you Sandy.

I am grateful for these last days of summer sunshine and warm weather.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to work and to rest.
I'm grateful for the company of colleagues.

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