This morning sunrise - truely!!

Yes, this was this morning, and the colours were lovely. But, and who knows - I have turned it to black and white. Taken from our terrace.

Fabulous day, 18 deg, did some transplanting of roses this morning, and planted our flowering cherry (Shimidus Sakura) until a visit from a friend.

We duly set to trying to put together a set of four landscapes for a National Competition (Bowron). This will be on going over the next few days, but progress :)

After a late lunch, Doug and I went walking across the Caroline Bay and the cliffs. It was so so good to be out and about. There were even people swimming, good grief.

My headache lingers but nothing like yesterday thankfully. I must have been needing sleep, two hours on the couch in the afternoon and I was tucked up by 8.30 after dinner. Unheard of.

I've just completed the minutes from Thursdays meeting, so "my time" for a day or two.....bugger, make that a day!!

Square September


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