If you go down to the woods today ...
I must firstly apologise for the indecency of this photograph. The wood sorrel leaves are sadly insufficient to cover its modesty. I had to blip it because it is the first one that I have:
a) found in absolutely pristine condition;
b) been able to approach closely enough to photograph without a long lens due to the smell;
c) and hasn't been smothered with flies.
Walking through the forest today we first perceived a 'gassy' sort of smell. We entered a region of damp woodland after the rains of the previous day that had a generally fetid odour to it. Yes, we had wandered unawares into a dell of stinkhorns.
Phallacea Impudicus
Believe it or not, this revolting looking fungus is edible, but I am not sure I could ever eradicate the smell from my mind knowing that I was eating it. When this is mature the top oozes foul smelling green slime that stinks so highly it makes your eyes water. But flies think it is heavenly.
Even more disgusting in LARGE
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