family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

Happy birthday mamma xx

We took mum out for dinner tonight, where better to go but the harvester :) I was sneaky and brought a cake with me and gave it to the waitress when the timing was right. its like Erin was in on it as it was due to her wanting to go to the loo (has to check out the toilets as soon as we get anywhere) but only wanting mamma to take her :) well done baby girl.
Caleb must have thought all his Christmas' had come at once with the salad cart alone as it hard all of his favourite things to eat. Erin picked her own meal, the question will she eat it??
We all had some lovely food and were very full so the waitress was waiting for the wink (literary) and brought over the birthday cake including the candles that I had supplied and the singing commenced. Erin did a lovely job at the top of her lungs and we even got a tune from the little man. The cake was very yummy but that much chocolate is so wrong.

The day started with no work for me!! woo hoo, not so much of a lie in but it was still nice. We had to gets some bits from the shop for mum's birthday including the cake.
Mum and dad came round to ours before we went out so we gave her her gifts. A lovely big bouquet of flowers and the tote bag that I had made her. She loved it, and on queue the eyes welled up. I wouldn’t expect any more for mum.


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