
By Croft16

Little Garve..

Garbh beag. Garbh means rough in gaelic, and beag is little. Small rough as opposed to just rough?..

Took G to the airport this morning, she's off to see her mum, and go to a school friend's 40th wedding anniversary (the one she bought the dress for).

Beautiful sunrise this morning, but by the time I'de shaved and come downstairs, it had gone. (Note to self:must get my priorities sorted).

The arm has been a lot better today, so Croftcrafts, you don't have to be so sympathetic anymore..!!

A nice run down to Inverness in the rain, and on to the airport. The carrot fields have heaps of bales stacked, presumably to form clamps to store them in.. Stopped at a Garden Centre, and bought some Epimediums at half price. Four pots with varieties in red, white, salmon and pink. They are plants for shady positions, and I think they'll de well between the tunnela nd the ruin/shed.. Also got a Loch Ness thornless blackberry, and yellow flowered kniphofia (red hot poker), also half price..

Then LiDL and Tesco in Dingwall on the way home.

Was going to stop at Rogie falls to give Tanni a run, but there were cars and coaches and people everywhere, so it was on to Blackwater beyond Garve, but I spotted this place on the way. Well worth stopping, for a two mile round walk up one side of the river, and back on the other..

A quick bite in Ullapool (which was starting to get busy for the Loopallu festival this weekend..

Camera club after, where we laid out plans for the club going forward with competitions and guest speakers. What do other clubs do?..

Back down the road next tuesday to pick G up.. missing her..


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