Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Her Majesty Mt. Rainier

We chose today for our fall mountain fix at Mt. Rainier and were we ever lucky!!! she was out in all her 14,200 ft. majesty!! I’m sure you may have heard how much of the time she is covered in clouds--one time we met a couple who had done the 90 mile wonderland trail around the mountain and never ever saw her!! But today it was a splendid day to drive the 2+ hours from our house to Sunrise, on the NE side, at 6400ft, the highest point one can drive to in Mt. Rainier National Park. All the services were closed, in anticipation of the road being closed in a matter of weeks for the season. But a lot of people had the same idea today. We took a hike beginning in a cold wind and heard later that just after the point we turned around to come down another more sheltered warmer way, that folks were walking in snow that fell yesterday! We ended up on a wee part of the wonderland trail in shirt sleeves before getting back to Sunrise. The blip was taken from this trail showing the emmons glacier and the White River down below. It was a lovely day! (and this was all after I had a fine morning row on Lake Washington with my friend in the PNW!)

I need to learn how to blend both depth of field and exposure better for these big landscapes.... I did play with a bit of HDR on some and have put some on flickr along with other views .....

Square September format again.....

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