
I took this picture as me and Victoria, who had another day off school due to strike action, walked from the Grafton Centre to the main town in Cambridge. I took it so the GOG can see the autumn colours.

He did not have a very good night, I left his iPhone for him last night and when he turned it on, it came up with a skull and a message that he was doomed. Needless to say, in his present state, this caused him to panic, although as anyone who knows him will know, he is not prone to panicking.

I knew nothing of this until this morning when I rang at 0630 hours and he demanded to speak with me. His night nurse would not allow him to telephone me last night and very reluctantly eventually brought him to the telephone this morning.

I have brought the phone away and at first I thought that it was a virus, but these are rare on an iPhone, although they are possible and generally occur only on ‘jailbroken’ iPhones, which as far as I know is not the case with this one. After further investigation I now think that it is an advertising pop-up designed to make you purchase virus software for your iPhone. I think I will take it to the Apple shop in Cambridge tomorrow, before visiting him in hospital.

He is doing really well, despite the lack of sleep last night although he is in a great deal of pain and discomfort, despite the strong pain relief he is being given; this apparently is normal after a major operation such as this. However, as far as it goes the operation appears to have been a success and the remaining plumbing appears to be working okay. When I left this evening, they were about to move him to a different bed, still on the Intensive Care Unit, but this one, so I am told, has a view over some gardens and is where patients are move to once they start to improve a little.

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