Spell bound

Another busy day in the life of Minnie Gossage! Phew! Mum came round at 9 and we popped to M and S, a few hours pottering at home were then followed by a visit from a positively blooming Miss Buttercup and hubby. Seeing her rub her gorgeous belly reminded me how much I loved my bump - and how bonkers it is that 8 days ago Min was in my tum! We were totally spoilt with Gifts including THE most incredible skirt for Minnie, a future Blip for sure. As you'd expect, MG worked her magic and they were spellbound! Potentially another Blip Baby will be here within two weeks, if it's on time :) If it's a boy, MG will have many boyfriends to choose from ;) Not long after they left I had two friends from work visit who are from London and made a 2 hour detour to visit us. It was lovely to catch up on the gossip and for them to see us all. And finally once they had left Mum came over and we went out for dinner with Minnie and Simon. I was in bed for 10 as I'm on the twilight feed - back blipping at 2am :) Tomorrow, me and Minnie have a lunch date in Birmingham with a work friend or two (I'm not sure how many/who will be there). Simon is taking us over and then he is heading to get my car reg plate registered or something. I must make an appointment to get Minnie registered, every day I keep meaning to but we've been so busy. Next week is a lot calmer with only one lunch date planned so far

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