Getting to El Centro

Now at the end of Day Two of The Great Mexico Adventure, I've become quite adept at getting around on the frenetic, yet completely wonderful public bus system in Puerto Vallarta.

The buses run nearly 'round the clock, and quite frequently at that, making a wait at the bus stop minimal. Destinations are scrawled on the windshield, and the cost to travel is about 6.5 pesos, on average, which is about 50 cents, USD. If you have no time to enjoy a roller coaster ride at your local amusement park, a white-knuckle ride on one of these buses will serve you quite well. The bone jarring bouncing and vibration actually serve as a distraction from your driver's traffic maneuvers: hair-raising stop and start driving, squeezing between other vehicles on the narrow, cobblestone roads with surgical precision.

Several times I braced myself for impact, only to arrive safely, quickly, and efficiently at my destination, fully awakened, blood pressure a few notches higher, but otherwise, none the worse for wear!

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