The Star Chart

This is Orla's star chart. We got it in Dobbies a while ago. It may even have been blipped before actually. Its original purpose was to get Orla sleeping through the night, and we successfully achieved that. But then she lost motivation and drew all over it, so we put it away for a while. We have brought it back out now and reinstated the star system. Basically, she wins stars for the things that are written on the chart (and other things as well as they come up, like helping with housework). She can also lose stars too. Typically this happens when she refuses to go bed, or takes ages getting dressed, or won't go to the loo unaccompanied, or gets over-zealous when she's playing with Conor. The stars can be used as currency. She can either save them up for something big, like going to the Time Capsule (on reflection, I think that's more like a 20 star prize) or she can spend them on smaller things, like sweeties or more time on the iPad. So far, it seems to be working.

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