Tuesday: Blipmeets!

K. and I left Seattle this morning for the final journey of our road trip.  En route to Vancouver, we stopped off in Bellingham for a very fine lunch with LocalFoodLover.  It was lovely to finally meet, having followed each other on blip for such a long time.  We also have the pleasure of meeting Phil and enjoying a very academic conversation about beer!

Both food and company were excellent, and our conversation was excellently wide ranging.  All in all, a really pleasant way to (almost) end our holiday here...........

Having said fond farewells, we are now back in Vancouver.  We are staying nice and centrally, so, after settling ourselves in our accommodation we went for a walk and a bite to eat (Vietnamese).  We are opting for an early night tonight.

P.S.  Unfortunately, there are no photos where both LocalFoodLover and I both have our eyes open.  We just couldn't seem to synchronise our blinking......

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