The Contented Soul

It's Mr Fitz's 40th birthday today and a bunch of went to Eyemouth on a bus to celebrate. Everybody was asked to bring a dish, this was my third bring a dish experience with this group and the food is always great.

The bring a dish thing is a great idea however it does raise some logistical issues regarding transportation and there was an extra complication of going to a rented house and not knowing what equipment is available. Thus I packed a cake stand and electric whisk as well as the pudding ingredients and a massive dish of 3 Cheese Gnocchi. I'm pleased to say that everything survived the taxi, train and bus journeys but I think I might write a bring a dish recipe book that takes into account the logistical issues.

Anyway, this is Gunsgreen House built by a smuggler with lots of great hidey holes throughout. The weather was beautiful, the company great and the food exquisite.

Happy Birthday Mr Fitz.

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