
After posting late last night (after midnight) I quickly started to do some commenting and spotted two red balloons next to my name - 500 Blips. I haven't yet looked at my comments but see there are a few and will get around to replying after this, again after midnight, post. But in advance thank you all out there in Blipland without whom I would not have got this far. I feel very sorry for those of you who regularly read my lengthy blurb but as I have written before, I started Bliping to keep a diary and close family & friends informed. What I didn't know was that one had to join such an incredibly friendly & caring bunch of people and with time, to feel that several of the regulars are part of one's inner circle. I have to admit I find the self-made pressure to reply & comment daily sometimes difficult and do my best because the exchange of words, thoughts, encouragement, sympathy are a boost to us all.

Back to the normal daily blurb: Angie on Sultan rode out with friend Corinna on Rosie but after a short while they had to swap as Rosie was having big problems with her gait. Not sure if it wasn't also connected to her robbing apples from Asyr's morning feed - she has to avoid sugar at all costs. Shame as she has been going so well recently, even yesterday.

Still Luna and Corinna's dog Easy had a good walk. Flash did his stay home trick and after I dumped him out of the car, he went with the girls for 10 minutes then just headed off back home. I was perched on a hill about 1km away and observed him crossing the fields but couldn't react. I knew though that he was OK, there being no roads to cross or any houses.

Otherwise general duties on bees and garden on a lovely sunny and a bit warmer day. After the ride, Angie felt very poorly with a scratchy throat (great as she has her throat check up at Ulm university hospital on Thursday) and went to bed early. At about 23:00 I went out to collect up Luna and heard banging noises from the horse stables. Asyr had laid down and probably done a roll landing with his feet against a wall and unable to roll back. I think he had been struggling for quite some time as he was very tired. Tried pulling him over with ropes attached to his hooves but couldn't manage it as Asyr had no more strength to help. Had to get Angie out of her sick bed and we were able to upright him. Few cuts and scrapes but nothing serious. Being 28 he has problems standing up at the best of times but with a concrete floor it is extra difficult. So long as he isn't in pain, he remains a trusty member of the Old Boys Club along with Flash & myself.

Have a great week all you lovely Blipers.

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