Shoe Fetish

It may appear from this blip that I have developed a seriously unhealthy shoe fetish; from buying perhaps one pair of shoes a year to two pairs in the same week must be considered a serious affliction.

So enamoured am I with my oh so comfortable brown brogue shoes, that I felt impelled to invest in this slightly racier version of the same shoe, especially as no exotic animal was harmed in the production of the racy bit, although I can't say the same for the rest of it.

I consider them far too flamboyant to take with me to Yorkshire this weekend; they would not fit in with possible small boy orientated excursions; these are shoes to be used for smart afternoon or evening activities, not play park duties.

I am hoping to be able to slip away to meet Ms Gable at some point on Saturday and I'm sure she will understand why I am not wearing my newest shoes.

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