creative lenna

By creativelenna

hello from Casey Key!!

we are having a grand time, having forgotten how much fun it is to go off and spend some time together. The water is many beautiful shades of blue and we saw a manatee swimming right off the beach today. We are relaxing, reading, talking & enjoying. I have found a spot outside at a table where I can connect to the wi-fi at the office of the place where we are staying -so I am quickly uploading this! It is hard to view the screen because it is so sunny out - poor me! There is a lovely brisk October breeze and I feel very grateful.

Don't forget tomorrow (or maybe today for you) is SundaySkies. Follow that link to read all about it . . . you are welcome to join me in uploading a photo of the sky on Sunday and I will list you with a link to your sky - if you write me a comment telling me you've joined in. Thanks & love! lenna

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