Through my Eyes

By Kelso

Circus Girls' Retirement Home

I am so happy to be able to share this wonderful- and true - story with you.

Many years ago, a boy ran away from home & joined the circus as a juggler. While with the circus, his other job was helping out with the elephants, whom he grew to love. He loved them so much that he went to school and became a veterinarian. Years later, he went back to the circus where he had worked with Rosie, pictured above, and brought her home to Maine where he runs an elephant rescue sanctuary. The circus also gave him Opal, as both girls had worked in the circus for 40 years and were ready to retire.

Dr. Jim Laurita is the co-founder of Hope Elephants and he is the boy who ran away to join the circus many years ago.

My husband and I were lucky enough to arrange for a tour of the facility. It is a joyful place - it brought tears to my eyes when I met the elephants and saw the quality of their care. Dr. Jim took us on the tour and I learned:
--- 30,000 elephants were killed for their tusks last year alone
--- 100 elephants were killed at a watering hole with cyanide just last week, also for their tusks

That's the reality and the sad news. Dr. Jim is doing what he can to try to ensure that elephants thrive. Here's the good news, at least for Rosie & Opal.
--- Elephants love the snow. These two girls throw snowballs and love romping in the snow in the cold Maine winters.
--- The elephants here at the rescue , and there are only two of them for now, receive physical therapy every day as they both have injuries and issues relating to their age.
--- These two girls are in their mid-forties, with an expected lifespan of 70+ years.
---Rosie & Opal are the best of friends and sleep together, back-to-back, every night.

Well, that was my "unusual" blip that I told you about yesterday. I never expected to find elephants in Maine. Dr. Jim told me he is going to design a bumper sticker that says "Maine, come for the lobster - stay for the elephants."

Pictured above is Rosie, who is even more beautiful close up.

More pictures here of the Circus Girls.

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