More knitting

this time it is a baby blanket from a pattern I found on Pinterest. I like the stitch and the fact it starts from one corner with four stitches and then you can go as far as you can with half the wool then start decreasing, easy!

I haven't continued my 'journal (journey) to work' blip as I had to go in the opposite direction to the dentist first thing this morning then up the M11 to work. Not a good trip to the dentist as one of my back teeth has cracked so I'm back in a few weeks for some work, only a couple of days after my car has it's MOT to fingers crossed neither of them endup too expensive.

I walked into work two minutes before my 10:00 meeting, which was scheduled for 30 mins and lasted 90! I knew it would go over but not that much. Despite chairing the meeting I did start to hear 'blah blah blah' from some people. I'm one of the main customers of the Conference Centre and, also, catering, and to try and raise standards we are now having regular meetings which is fine but I would rather see action than listen to it!

Then the day improved when one of our instructors contacted me to say that they had found their slides from our course in the public domain. Participants are given access to a closed website for their course which contains all slides, reading material, and results from the course. They are told not to share any of the information but this particpant hadn't respected that. On investigation they had put all the slides from all the speakers out there, I tracked them down and solved the problem. Now have to rethink how the information is shared.

Then it was on to tackling emails from all five of our mailboxes, chasing people foroverdue information (manual materials, posters that need printing, incmplete applicaitons, money), answering questions about all of the above. It wouldn't normally be this manic but it is half term and out of a team of six there are three in, our lab manager who doesn't do any other admin, our newbe, which says it all, and me. Our big boss, our not so big boss and my colleague, part time admin are out as it is half term, which is fine but in a small team it is noticeable.

Let's see what tomorrow brings, my aim is to make sure I drink more fluids tomorrow and don't come home cross :-)

Rant over...................

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