
By middaypyjamas

My Girl

Today was awesome. After getting up and giving the floors a much needed clean I went for my daily 5k and then the day was mine.

I did a bit on my projects and did some relaxing and generally enjoyed a day where I didn't have to go to a job! Also, Holly (the lovely lady you see above) basically finished university today! Her final task was to make a portfolio, which she can use during job interviews for her foray into high school teaching, and present it in a mock interview to one of her lecturers. She got a HD for it. Needless to say all these facts combined was well worth celebrating.

Luckily my man (and twin brother) Jonathan also had today off, so he joined Holly and I in the celebrations and the three of us went down to the park to drink some bevies in the sun. It was beautiful.

I hope your days were equally as enjoyable


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