Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Cognitive change

The wee man had a quite an unsettled night last night, waking up and grumbling almost every hour. He'd soon settle when we got up but the moment he feel back asleep, he'd wake himself up again. After a few hours like this we actually let him cry through a bit of it, only rising when his grumbles turned to wails.

Then again tonight, the same thing. Almost as soon as he falls asleep he wakes himself up in a bit of a tizzy. He's just not making it into the deep sleep.

It's happened a few times over the last few days but we chalked it down to him being in an unfamiliar environment. However it's now happened two nights on the trot at home too so it's probably related to his next cognitive change. Has anyone else experienced anything similar?

Aside from his sleeping irregularities, he's been in fine fettle. He was on top form at the botanical gardens today when we met our friends Mike, Jill and their three children. He even charmed his way into a whole bag of new (to him) toys. Thanks very much guys!

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