First frost

#Lovember 4

I must say that is only the first frost that I love, and then, tis only the sight from within my warm house that I enjoy.
I do not like frozen car windows or driving not knowing where the icy bits will be.
I do not like having to brake ice in the water butts at the field or having to cart water down there when everything is frozen solid.
I do love the promise -or perhaps hope,-of snow and the inevitable snowball fights with the Grandkids.

yesterday was a day of rallying, my comment about emergencies and fire extinguishers referred to the car that came off in front of us and went head on into tree at about 50/60mph. Driver and navigator went off in an ambulance, both very white and in shock. Some-one some-where will be due a major bollocking as the fire extinguisher had been taped in to its holder, this had been done after scrutineering! not even a little bit naughty, this put the car occupants and the people who were trying to help at risk.

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