
By Tryfan46

Building an extension day 1

People along the road are having an extension built much like the one in our house. I wonder if they're moving their bathroom upstairs like ours is? But what a day to start messing around with a roof. The builders came with the scaffolding and equipment yesterday but started the work today. And the weather was atrocious, cold, driving rain and wind, you can't tell how rotten the weather is out there.

Talking of bathrooms we've had continual trouble with the floor tiles and underfloor heating in our bathroom which was installed just over a year ago. About 6 months ago we noticed that 2 of the tiles had cracked and the builder came back and looked and said he'd be back. Well, recently we'd noticed that some of the tiles were moving and grouting was coming out. So back he came and removed a floor tile to see what the problem is. Seems like the adhesive was affected by the underfloor heating which at one time, owing to a fault, was very warm indeed (and very pleasant to walk on that's for sure)

So he's coming back on Monday to take up some other tiles. I hope he doesn't break too many as we only have 3 spare tiles and I'm not sure that we will be able to get any more to match.

Good swim this morning and a productive afternoon creating the Christmas letter. Ugh, I can hear you say. "Are you one of those people who send out a round robin?" Yes, but only to selected people, not to everyone and it's good fun to create as it is a kind of annual resume of our year for us as well. Over the years we're creating a bit of an archive - which added to Blip is going to be a bit of a legacy for the next generations....

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