Farewell Four Golden Oldies!

Eish, loads of tears shed today! Four of our colleagues are leaving us at the end of the school year!

Ansa, our sweet little Anrie's mom and my real good friend, joins her dear hubby, Jurie in Malaysia early next year.

Louise, with a proud 18 years of service to our little school, leaves for Zambia with her hubby, he's started a new career in Lunshya already and she will be joining him there.

Belinda retires to be more available to help out with her only little grandchild's care, but since she's not leaving our area, we truly hope to see her quite often.

Jaco retires and will be moving to New Zealand with his lovely wife, to join their children who are there already.

The theme for their little farewell was 'The Golden Oldies', the decorations were great, the food was great and the Vanilla mouse chocolate cupcakes were out of this world!

Bon Voyage my dear friends, my heart bleeds!! ;-)

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