Fiery Sky!

Its been grey all day, until the last few minutes before the sunset was due, then I managed to capture this :)

For Creative Lenna's Sunday Skies :)

Epic fail earlier. Put the camera in the car ready to try to blip Christmas lights or something between Church and work, but totally forgot to check the card was in it :( Bang went my blip idea this morning!

Oh well, the best laid plans...and I got a better opportunity :):)

Busy day once again! I was up early, determined to get a chicken casserole in the slow cooker and I just about managed it by 8am :) Then I got ready and went to the early service, and after that straight to work!

Home again and just organised in time for the only bit of colour in the sky all day....

A quiet pottering evening in, before it all starts again tomorrow with another full day :)

Happy Sunday folks :)

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