Weird world of Zebedee

By zed


Was pretty crap if I may say so.
I shall skip past everything els that happened today...and get to the actual incident.
As we i.e. me, mum and gulli dad was out working, a pigeon fell into the fire out of the chimney. I was upstairs feeding my newts when it happened.
So as I was in my room I heard screaming from first gulli then mum. I ran down stairs and... Saw a pigeon twitching in the flames. I started freaking out (which I thing is quite a reasonable thing to do under the circumstances) screaming "call the police!!!!!"
Anyway we didn't call the police we called Rodger our neighbour... Who came in and grabbed it shoved it in a carrier bag and stomped off... Good old Rodger,
Mum then tried to comfort us by saying that it was probably dead before it landed in the fire, and that even if it was alive it wasn't well because if it had been a healthy pigeon it would have struggled and flapped like crazy. So that is comforting. I think.

Anyway what I thought was twitching was probably just the heat flapping the wings hopefully ): and it had probably been dead for a few days up there or at leased Trapped in the chimney because stuff had been falling down there for quite a while so that was probably the pigeon trying to get out. But as gulli kept saying when it was in there... "THERE IS NO GOD".

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