We're Good!
It was another early commute to London for me (Chris). It's the end of my second week in this role and whilst it's still a bit chaotic, I'm getting into the swing of things. Today was properly busy, non-stop all day meetings and conference calls.
I met Annie's brother after work so not the time to meander. So, this is another blip local to the office.
I (Annie) had a day off today (although with current workload that meant working all afternoon - boo). I spent the morning in the special school where I am Chair of Governors. I'm so happy to be able to say that our school had its Ofsted review a couple of weeks ago where we were taken out of Special Measures and put up to Good. That's up two levels, which is really unusual - so I'm so proud of the school. It's been a lot of work by a lot of people.
Yesterday back-blipped.
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