Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Murder most foul

Made it into work this afternoon and then the teams Xmas outing - we did a murder mystery. It was a lot of fun but I'm tired now and my lungs hurt (note to self wearing corset when lungs hurt makes them hurt more. Glad I popped a bra in my bag so once the murderer was caught I could take my corset off)

In other news Jeeves had one of his choking fits again, he hasn't had one in such a long time.

Because of his choking I learnt how to do the bunny heimlich, only I discovered that Jeeves is too big for me you use the method I'd learned. But still I got him all sorted and he is fine. He chokes on the bunny nuggets (they only get a small portion in the morning and a some as treats), I think he was trying to scoff before Wooster could gobble them all up. Will have to try an alternative method to slow his eating down, or I will be cutting the nuggets right out. He is such a worry. I worry what would happen if he choked and I wasn't here, it's a big reason I don't like to leave him in the care of others.

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