Every girl needs a good friend and a glass of wine

Things I learned this weekend.

1. Elves do exist.

2. Casa Elf is a REAL place. And a very beautiful place.

3. It is possible to drive a very long way, and talk so much when you are driving, you have (a) no idea where you are when you get there and (b) be completely lost when you leave.

4. There is a Doctor in the house. (Who knows EVERYTHING)

5. Doc Martins with Red Laces are Luscious. (And I must now have some)

6. There are more things happen in Books shops than you would care to know.

7. Friends who you haven't met before are a lot of bloody fun.

8. Other people's hospitality and generosity leaves me humbled.

9. Banoffee Pie doesn't really need Bananas.

10.I was delighted to be invited, Thank You Girlies. I had a ball.

(And I never once took my axe out the bag).

Left to Right.

Elf, , People Twitcher, DailyWanderings, Ordinary Life

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