A little less busy

The last week has been very busy – long days at work and stuff to do after work too.
Today has been less busy and it has been nice.

We went to town this morning to get a few things sorted and then the boys and I drove to Kongskilde and went for a wonderful walk.

Hero found a stick that he wanted to play with and he also decided that it was a good day for a swim. Both Beat and Biscuit thought that the water was too cold to join him. The stick was huge and it was not easy for poor Hero to get it to behave. This picture is of him getting tangled up with the plants growing on the lake side. It took a while to get himself and his stick sorted out, but he looked like he was having a great time doing it.

A quiet afternoon as I am not feeling 100%.
Resting and reading a good book should help.

House in the woods.

Happy weekend!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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