
By Cully

Cully's alternative advent calendar

Behind door number 25: Christmas castle, two knights and a damsel in distress!

The damsel being my sister (not me, pictured) who was horrified at the size of the castle I bought the youngest 'phew. Apparently their new concervatory wasn't built to fill with castles! The 'phew loved it anyway and so did the eldest.

A lovely day of eating, drinking, and playing with new toys. Athough most of the evening was spent playing Labyrinth, which my sister had about 25 years ago. My nephew loved it and it certainly held his concentration longer than his new DS did as the battery went in half an hour and santa forgot to pack his charger. So who's going shopping tomorrow to get one then?

The boy got me tickets to see Jack Whitehall in March, luckily, despite the fact we weren't meant to be buying each other presents, I bought him a travel book just incase, phew!

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