When woman meets unseen hole

Following on from yesterday's fishing trip...

While heading for a new spot on the lake where I'd observed a cruising and feeding trout, I discovered a deep hold hidden in the long grass :-(

That sharp pain I felt was the base of the 5th metatarsal in my right foot fracturing. The other give away was the curious angle on the outer part of my foot once my boots and waders were removed.

Large if want to check how close in colour the bruising is to my toe nail polish ;-)

I'm bonding with the couch where I'm likely to spend a good chunk of the next week or two. Feet being a long way from the heart, circulation isn't so flash and bones don't always knit together nicely.

I'm supposed to spend 2 hours with my foot elevated for every 10mins my foot is down. I reckon I'm in deficit by about 10 hours!

I have another xray next Thursday. Hopefully it will show my bone is healing nicely and I'll avoid surgery. Best outcome would be to come away with a nice new bright coloured cast :-)

As with many things in life, I didn't want this. Flat on my back isn't how I wanted to grieve the loss of my Mum. But it's how it is and I'll figure out how to the basics and take it from there.

It took me ages to figure out how to have breakfast. In the end I put a box on the floor, put my breakfast bowl in it and then nudged the box along the floor to the sofa.

I was impressed but the Occupational Therapist on the phone from hospital wasn't. I'm to be issued with various bit of equipment to help at home to help me in the kitchen and bathroom. Honestly, I'm not to sure about the shower stool. I'll give it a go but if I don't feel safe then they'll have to sort someone to come and help me.

Next on my list is ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation). I can feel my eyes glazing over but I do have an entitlement to home help and I'll put that in action.

Oh, and the little fur child is unwell. Kerry who looks after him at the cat hotel popped by this morning and took him in with her to the vet. $112 later of antibiotic injection and anti anxiety drugs, he's due home shortly.

We're a right pair.

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