Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Never ever ever ever

I can't even say the last bit because I don't want it too be true.

I'm feeling pretty rubbish today actually. You know when someone breaks up with you and just for a second you can't actually believe it. That they will text you back saying they were joking, or that they've made a massive mistake. Somehow I don't feel like that will happen. But I will keep hoping.

So I'm focusing on my diet now, thus why my lovely wine glass is full of pulparee, instead of a lovely giant glass of wine. Priorities. However, hopefully the effort of having to empty it, wash it then fill it will stop me actually drinking it. Wine is high in syns y'see, so is port. Urghh.

I hop everyone's feeling better than I am.

Happy Blipping.

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