My Best Efforts - Year 3


An Update that is .......

........... actually not much of an update.

Anni here reporting for Alma - and a photograph of her last years journal entry on this day taken from my computer screen this afternoon.

In the news today ...... Mum's bed location was moved from a side ward into the main ward ... > sad face <

No MRI or Cat scans done and no news as to when they will be done, no tests done either. When we know, you will know!!

As we said when I visited at least Mum is not "ill" she is just incapacitated - all very frustrating though not knowing what is causing the total numbness of the leg!!

She has very basic internet on her TV/phone package at the hospital - altho' the internet is very fiddly to get into we managed to find our way into blip-land and she was able to read all your lovely comments and well wishes over the past few days - she accepted all the virtual love and hugs with a big smile and says thank you all very, very much.

~ Anni ~

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