Growing old disgracefully



...not just for Christmas. No idea why Thumper has been abandoned outside the gates of the large house on the edge of the village, but maybe the folks who live there are so wealthy they know they can get another bunny any time they want one. Or maybe someone left him there in the hope that the rich folk would adopt him and he would have a better start in life. If you look closely at his eye, you will see the Prof and I reflected in it- but no, we've done our share of adopting, thank you.

Two hours of tele - conferencing this morning, a walk in the beech wood with the Prof, making up orders and booking students on courses. I've also been spring cleaning the bookshelves. Every year or so, I take them all down, dust them over, reorder them a bit and try very hard to bring myself to take a reasonable pile to the charity shop. It's tough. Among the things that get in the way are:

Sentiment - so and so gave me that
Unfulfilled intentions - one day I might read that
Attachment - I've read that at least five times, but I know I will read it again
Confusion - is it my book or the Prof's?
Poetry - I could no more part with a book of poetry than I could take home a wet and smelly stuffed rabbit.
Practicality - I can't find a charity shop in our neighbourhood that will take them

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