Progress report(s)

I prophesied this.

I said "I'll bet I have to remove the old pot in pieces."
The reason for the (s) is that the keen eyed may have spotted a tiny bit of foreigner in the front. On our last trip to a garden centre I spotted several fragments of Schulmbergera. (Which, all the time I've known it, I thought was SchlumbergIA)
Being me, I had to rescue a bit or two of the broken fragments lying on the display. HONEST I rarely vandalise living plants. I stuck it in the edge of the pot, all two blades of it and, at pot-on I noticed a few roots. So it'll live there until growth shows: then I'll treat it to its own new abode.

Unfortunately, I can't enbigger it B4 publishing: but I think you MAY be able to see a couple of new shoots. One just behind the bulging root and one just forrard of the right hand stalk.

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