
By carliewired

Meet Larry, the Side-Blotched Lizard

small and very quick,
ground-dwelling inhabitant
of the Sonoran

~ carliewired

Larry was out sunning himself this morning as I was watering the bougainvillea. We hadn't noticed him for a while and were concerned that we might have ended his life when we piled more rocks on the lizard castle. Larry had a friend with him but I didn't get a good look at it. I might assume it was Lucy. We suspect there's a lot going on in that castle that we don't see. If you are interest in the life of these little characters go here.
The side-blotched lizard has some very interesting sexual behaviour. Should you be at all curious about this look here I'm not sure if Larry is orange or yellow. (Yellow, I think.) Please don't judge him. He seems like a nice fellow.

Today was one of those "best laid plans of mice and men" kind of day. I had resolved that I would get back to peeling wallpaper. I know it's not going to peel itself. By the time I'd finished my coffee, made poached eggs and had my shower the sun was shining so beautifully I just could not waste the day inside. There went my resolve!

I found a couple of geocache sites we could visit on the California side. Off we went in the truck with our water bottles, the camera, the GPS and two juicy oranges from the tree in the backyard. We were directed up the 95 with a turn onto the Imperial Dam road. Finally, we turned off onto a gravel road that took us to the the river. We looked high and low but could not locate the cache. On to the second cache along the Imperial Dam Road. No luck there either. We poked around and under all the vegetation, turned over every loose rock, but nothing! I suspect it was down the wash and up the other side. However, I DO NOT hike or climb. I'm going for the low hanging fruit not the survival training course prizes. If there is some danger of scuffing my sandals or ruining my pedicure, I'm done! So, D offered to find me a date shake at the Imperial Date Farm down the road. I must say, it was a fitting consolation prize.

When we finished with our shakes, we were going to head home again. The truck would not start. D got on the phone to a tow truck that would give us a jump start. We waited 3o minutes for our rescue and limped back to Yuma to look for the Chevrolet dealership. There we purchased a new truck battery and had it installed. We managed to get home in time for the 5 o'clock news!

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