
How could it possibly be almost the end of October? For some reason it didn't seem such a big thing once we were in the twenties, but now it's the 30th I've begun to panic. Halloween tomorrow, rotten weather forecast, the music session cancelled because our host is incapacitated thanks to a rotten dose of flu, only ten days to go until the trip to the South of France and still a good bit of work to be seen to before then. So why can't I knuckle down to what needs to be done rather than download and listen to music, meet friends for lunch, and spend too much time on the internet?

Anyway, it's still early evening and there's lots of time available to get stuck in. As well as the with-friend lunch (10-euro lunch special in the Noble House Chinese restaurant at Northern Cross), I've also just stuffed myself with a bit of a home-cooked snack, so the old energy reserves should be sufficiently replenished to keep me going until midnight or the early hours.

Even Blip is sorted, rather than still in the can waiting to be uploaded later. No excuses, so. roll up the sleeves, head down ... Action stations!

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