Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Sunshine on a rainy day

I love having flatmates that understand my obsession. I was happily packing things in the kitchen when I heard a shout "Kat, there's a really strong rainbow out the back of the house". I rushed through and they were right. This photo doesn't do the strength of the colours justice.

Have you noticed. I'm actually uploading a photo on the day it was taken rather than backblipping a week (though I did backblip to Saturday this morning). And my reason for this is: I have reached a packing standstill. I physically have no more space to put boxes. It wouldn't be so bad if I could use the living room but the fuzzies would wreak havoc come play time. So I've stopped.

Tomorrow is a waiting game. We get up and then wait for the call or email to say the money has cleared and we can go and collect the keys to our lovely new home. I'm a mixture of all emotions right now so I really hope it goes through quickly otherwise the waiting will be torture.

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