
The dogs and I had a really exhilarating walk today, very blustery with horizontal rain mixed with sand battering us from the side. The tide was on the way out so very quickly the amount of sand for the dogs to scamper on increased and the line of gulls and smaller birds foraging on the line of the receding tide soon became too far away for any decent shots. Mind you, the moment I had them in focus one or other dog would put them to flight.

These stobs were sitting about two feet proud of the sand and I was fascinated with the way the constant movement of the sea water had fashioned them over the years. From their position I guess they may have formed a jetty many years ago. Having recently been in awe of the great canyons and shapes moulded by the Colorado River in America, I was again intrigued and in wonderment over the incredible power of water in shaping our landscape. .... It looks like I have cloned Bruce from the previous blip.

I went into the local town in the afternoon and was thrilled to find a luxurious purple carpet of crocuses adorning the church grounds. Spring has definitely arrived in Lancashire - time to head home tomorrow to see if it has arrived in Perthshire.

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