Friday: Danko

Tonight we were invited to Danko's house for a get-together, together with some other friends.  It was a great evening, siting round the kitchen table and eating ham, cheese and lovely bread.  

Danko is an artist and is a real live wire.  Every few minutes he appeared with something new to show us, ranging from a windup model of a cockroach to a little model that he recently bought in the Antiques Fair.  

Yesterday I got an email about Danko from a mutual friend which said:

'Hi Booky, Danko had a dream with you, we have been in party like New year party at some house with pool, and you and K kill all our friends and than you move to Argentina to find a new victims. He remember all details of his dream , it's a very long dream, and he will make a painting about that. . okey, see you tommorow, can't wait!'

Having been unmasked as mass murderers, it's the breezy ending I particularly like!

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