Sticking at it.... Just!

Started this Wii personal trainer 30day challenge 10 days ago... so far so good. Basically 2 days on, then a rest day and so on... between 20 & 30 mins each.

Didn't think i'd be able to keep it up, as i usually do a couple of days and get tired from it and then i tend to give up... But i'm enjoying it, and it seems to work hand in hand with my slimming world diet... Why couldn't i have found this will power and state of mind a few years ago?!

All going well, weighed in 2 days early (at a different group) tonight, managed to lose 1 1/2 lbs this week which i'm quite happy with. A total of 9 1/2 lbs in 3 weeks! Nice!! lol!

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