Stitches are out.............................

.........................And this is what the underneath bit of my ear looks like now.

For anyone who hasn’t read about my traumatic time over the last few weeks look here.

I didn’t like getting my stitches out. I was ever so wriggly and the vet put a muzzle on me even though I had no intention of biting anyone.

The nurse held me and kept telling me I was a good girl, and Ann stroked me, while the stitches were being taken out. Ann was worried that the vet was hurting me, even though he said he wasn’t??!! We saw Ann’s least favourite vet today. And then when he’d finished he said I might be in pain now the stitches had come out and stuck a steroid filled needle into me??!!

Ann asked if I could do all my normal stuff again and the vet said yes. I was so, so happy because Ann had promised to take me for a run on the beach after the vets.

Then Ann said, ‘So she’s OK to go swimming and roll around on stinky things?’ And the vet said, ‘No, keep her on her lead for another couple of days because now the stitches are out she’s got little holes in her ears’.

..........................So the vet lied........................ I can’t do all my normal stuff yet.

And then he worried Ann even more, by saying that my ear felt hot. Well Ann knows that means that there’s an infection in there and if I shake my ear a lot the hematoma could come back and then I’ll have to go through the whole process again???!!!

To be honest I’m feeling OK, but Ann’s a bit stressed out.

Anyway, I’d already had three walks today before I went to the vets but because it was such a lovely day, and Ann thought another walk might relieve her stress(??!!) she should have just had a glass of wine, off we went on another little trek about.

Do you know what happened?....................... A man with a walking stick crashed into me and bashed me on the face with his stick. The sound of his stick hitting my face was horrible. Ann was almost in tears because she thought that it must have hurt me so much. The man was very apologetic and tried to stroke me but I wasn’t having any of that. Fortunately I don’t think I’m hurt but I was very, very frightened of the man and no way was I going to let him anywhere near me.

We continued on our walk, came home, I’ve had my dinner and am now snoozing and the ‘stick bashing’ doesn’t seem to have affected me unless I’ve got concussion??? Ann is such a drama queen sometimes!!!

So that’s been my day.

Another two days on my lead and then I’m off to the Lake District for a walking weekend. Bet there’s loads of sheep in the Lake District so I’ll probably have to stay on my lead there too??

........................It’s going to be ages before I’m running free!!!

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