Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

A New Project Perhaps?

A new project on the horizon, for me that is(?) Following on from the building progress of the (new) local Academy which finished a year and a bit ago this could be the next one.
This here is the rear view of a new sports village in our town, which will include a (smaller*) pool. I will try and post regular shots of this site, but as most of it is boarded up, vantage points are somewhat limited. This image "had" to be shot in IR using my trusty 50mm, as the sun was shining perfectly for me. Four images were stitched together nicely in PS: helps if you have a spirit level & tripod!

*smaller than that of the EPIC (Ellesmere Port Indoor Centre), which has caused a lot of controvasy over the last few years, especially when you look at the succuss of the last two Olympics.

After a Sunday roast at my In-Laws (see yesterdays blip), our son P had a swimming training session tonight & got his times back from the Swimming Gala last weekend. He got a Bronze for backstroke. He came 4th overall in a group of six. As far I am aware, he was the youngest in the group. Very proud indeed we are!

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