beauty of the nature

By Hadi

New Year!

This is the first day of the Persian new year. Last new year when I posted this tribute to my deceased grandpa I did n’t realize I’d be losing the other one very shortly. He’s been a regular on my journal and I’ve written a lot about him alongside the pictures. I was thinking of what should I write about him that I have n’t written before. In the era of his youth and most of his adulthood the official language of our town was Azeri. When we were growing up it changed to Farsi due to the education and it being the national language. He barely spoke this language which was new to him and most of his generation. But mostly when he was talking to us (grandchildren) he tried to speak with us in Farsi. He knew we could speak in Azeri but he somehow wanted to communicate with us in our language even though it was n’t at all easy for him. Somehow it always meant so much for me.


I’ve never made new year resolutions and didn’t believe it’s something you need to do at the beginning or end of a year. But this year I thought maybe it won’t too bad an idea to make one. And my resolution this year would be for myself to try less harder to walk over my own dreams. To not just blame the situations for not reaching those dreams and accept my lack of enthusiasm. maybe doing something serious about ‘em. One that has been there for a few years and I’ve done absolutely nothing about it is studying arts in Europe. In short pull yourself together man, another year just passed by!


I want to sincerely thank my blip friend cabbagetree and the other friend who wished to stay anonymous for the membership gifts for the last three years. It’s an act of kindness you don’t see in a lot of online communities. But as my blipping expectancy is very low and when I do blip the basic options would be sufficient, and as my membership has been expired since a few days ago I just wanted to put it out there that please don’t gift me a membership this year. I hope it didn’t come off as rude, I really appreciate the support and encouragement I’ve received from blip community over the years.

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