Where does the time go?


.........................Got up at 6.45am and went for my morning walk along the lane. Saw the baby llamas and wanted to go chasing but Ann wouldn’t let me.

Ann went to work and I snoozed in my bed.

Ann came home at 1.45pm and said, ‘Molly, there’s a man coming here in a bit to replace the tile on the roof that blew off in the storms. I need you to be on your bestest behaviour’.

Roof man arrived and I went absolutely ballistic at him. When Ann says ‘friend’ I’m supposed to stop barking. Ann went ballistic at me. I don’t like strange men climbing on our roof!

Then Ann said we were going shopping for decking paint and new plant pots. I was all happy & excited because she said she’d take me for a run on ‘Praa Sands’ first so that I could play with my yellow bouncy ball.

Haven’t been to ‘Praa Sands’ for ages and all the lovely sand had gone. The beach was very stony because all the sand must have been washed away during the recent storms. A few of the houses were perched precariously close to the cliff edge too. I didn’t mind because there were lots of nice stinky things for me to roll on. Ann was a bit grumpy because it was really windy & cold and she hadn’t brought her gloves. She couldn’t put her hands in her pockets because she was carrying my ball & thrower that I didn’t want to play with.

I rolled around on stinky things for about an hour.............................. then I had to wait in the car while Ann went to R&J Supplies, B&Q and Wyevale Garden Centre.

She was even grumpier when she’d been to all those places because none of them had what she wanted – which is silver coloured galvanised plant pots and black decking paint.

Apparently our sun terrace is going to look very sophisticated this year as we are having a black & silver theme (with a touch of purple) to follow though from our kitchen/living room. Looks like Ann has an evening of googling ahead of her??!!!

Anyway, she’s just given me my dinner which I’ve gobbled up. She’s poured herself a glass of wine and hasn’t a clue what she’s going to have for dinner. The house is an absolute mess, she says the next dog she gets is going to be one that doesn’t shed loads of hairs as a single middle aged woman she should be living in a designer like home and leading a relaxed life??!!!

.......................Just where does the time go???

PS – I’m now stretched out on the sofa having a little chillax. It’s a dog’s life. Yay!!!

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