A Much Needed Day Off

Thank you so much for your comments on the last couple of blips. You guys are ace.

Today was spent almost entirely indoors. I woke up with a headache and decided to spend the day trying to get rid of it. The traces of it are still with me but I'm hopeful for tomorrow. I enjoyed being at home and the weather encouraged this pursuit.

This was about as far as I got today - to the end of my street to post a letter. I always try to use this postbox so that 'they' have to keep it in use. I like to imagine all the seaside postcards that started their journeys here.

A good day resting, catching up with Shetland (loosely based on the books) and getting ready for a trip to Amsterdam tomorrow!

Last bit of bike news - I found my bike seat cover a few doors up, hanging off a gate like a lost mitten. I've got a date on Monday night to look at borrowing a friend's bike. All good.

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