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Saturday usually means cleaning the holiday lodge between visitors, blip day or not, it had to be done. I took a little time off to pour some drinks for folks who've helped me through 5 years of consecutive blipping.
As for these 5, well, her on the right, the sensible one drinking tea, she's the one who gets up early and goes out to catch sunrises. Second from the left, she's a one for the Merlot, she gets her best ideas for shots after a couple of glasses in the late evening, whereas the one on the far left with the white wine, she thinks she keeps her head clear for editing, lol!
The one in the middle on the rosé, she's a dreamer and likes to do flowery blips. As for the one next to her on the whisky and lemonade, she's the one who promises she'll write all the comments. So easy to get distracted with the size she pours!
Well that's it, 5 years, 5 happy years! Both girls well settled with jobs, good partners and nice homes. A wedding, 2 grandchildren. The Man's retirement from Teaching, A change of creativity from Jewellery to Photography for me.
Yes, a lot of good things.! Thanks for stopping by!
BTW one of me got blipped getting ready for this!
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