Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas

Waiting for Henri

We went as planned to the Henri Cartier-Bresson retrospective exhibition; contrary to what was announced, we didn't wait too long (about half an hour when they were saying it would be an hour) before we entered the exhibition.

Still I had time to take a few shots while in line.

The show was really interesting; I liked very much the fact that it followed the chronological order as it allowed the viewers to grasp his evolution. All his iconic shots (whether from his photojournalism period or the rest of his career) were shown, but also less known photos which were very nice additions as they sometimes helped understand the transitions between the stages of his career. Finally, his return to drawing from the 1970s on is also documented - as are his early paintings at the entrance of the exhibition.

Cabinets full of magazine covers and rooms where various films or film extracts by and about HCB are shown abound. This was truly a magnificent show.

Other pictures of the day include a Train dreamer, Hands, a few portraits, and proof that trains now run on electricity.

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