
It comes to something when an emergency blip involves the microscope.

A bit of oil paint, a bit of methylated spirit and a bit of water results in excellent bubble formations.

Its been a busy day, beginning with worrying about my Mum as her house was broken into last night, but it appears that she disturbed them…once I had spoken to her I was a bit happier. I confess that I giggled when she told me she chased after them in her pyjamas and barefeet. Impressed with the police response also - Spanish police are clearly feisty!

Been catching up on lots of jobs - the laundry mountain, cleaning, shopping - mundane stuff but it needs doing. Bought myself a slow cooker after seeing how useful they are when my brother produced awesome meals from his.

Discovered exactly how shocking teenagers can be - my boy cleaned and vacuumed his room this afternoon…I didn't know that he even knew where the vacuum cleaner was!!!

My hot flushes now come every 20 to 30 minutes and make me feel like I am completely on fire. Its uncomfortable and very embarassing. I have aches in my joints, which I was told might happen, but I dismissed that. However, my energy levels are a bit better and as a consequence, so is my mood. But the same old pain is still the same old pain. I think that on balance, the third round of treatment might not proceed, as the side effects are making the original problem more difficult to cope with AND the drug regime does not seem to be making a blind bit of difference. We will see - 3 weeks till next appointment.

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